Proposta: Xira-xira

Bo día a tod@s!

Hoxe tráiovos un tutorial para facer demaneira sinxela un xira-xira espectacular! Imos?

Materials you need:

Paper, cardboard, pencil, ruler, an old CD or anything round and flat, markers, scissors, glue and a string.

Draw a circle with your pencil using the CD as a template.

Draw a little circle in the middle using the CD hole.

Drill two holes each side of the little circle with your pencil

Using the CD draw two more templates on a paper.


Using a ruler divide your circles in eight parts.

Colour with your markers, the order doesn't matter.

 Cut out the carboard circle and the two paper circles with you scissors

You also need to drill two holes with your pencil in the paper circles.

Glue the two paper circles each side of the cardboard one.

Pass the string through both holes and tie a knot to make a loop. Done!

This is how it works: 

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Bos días a tod@s. Agardo que sigades ben e que as propostas de arts vos estean a parecer divertidas. Hoxe tráiovos ideas sacadas da web do...